Fractalink - Omnichannel experience design for D’Decor

Omnichannel experience design for DDecor
  • project-info-title
  • overview


    D'Decor, the worlds largest manufacturers of upholstery and curtain fabric, have their footprint in all major towns and cities via an extensive network of franchisees. They cater to a wide range of customer tastes and budget expectations.

    In addition to manufacturing upholstery, they package bed linens, cushion covers and blinds.

  • brief


    DDecor entrusted Fractal Ink to design user-facing strategies for seamless Omni channel retailing.

    The task was to capture the journey of a customer who would like to choose the perfect fabric and colour for their home, recreate their imagination on an app or website and later find the product in store.

  • challenge


    Fractal Ink was tasked to revolutionize userfranchisee relationship. This included how franchisees understood their customers needs and fulfilled them effectively to ensure satisfaction.

    Of essence was a manageable system of logistics thatd enable franchisees to deliver quality retailing and cast a wide net for a loyal customer base.

  • strategy


    Fractal Inks approach was to create user-facing design that would assimilate the needs of all involved stakeholders.

    Consequently, extensive research went into understanding end users expectations, needs and experiences; franchisees pain-points and business leads larger goals for brand expansion.

    These fed into creating a retailing experience centred round optimum customer satisfaction.

  • innovation


    For the customers, we designed a tool that creates moodboards for fabrics and help them visualize the room they want to decorate. They can drag and drop fabrics into these 3D rooms till they found the perfect look!

    The home ideas portal made running the business for the franchisees easy by incorporating communication, analytics and finance into one cohesive interface.

thinking commerce? think omnichannel

thinking commerce? think omnichannel

In todays era a brand cannot survive by thinking about digital interventions in isolation. It needs to look at the business and consumer ecosystem so that interventions are meaningfully planned in the journeys.

decorating your home now at your fingertips

decorating your home now at your fingertips

With carefully interpreted briefs for various interventions, we were able to attack all touchpoints and bring out the best out of each one. Fabric calculators, home ideas, seasonal themes and many other tools on mobility gave consumers content to engage meaningfully throughout the year.

home decor treated as fashion rather than once in a while activity

home decor treated as fashion rather than once in a while activity

Home decor as an activity is considered as a one off activity every 4 - 5 years. This leaves the brand with absolutely no engagement post interior work. Ddecor approached it more like fashion and allowed digital channels to evangelise the seasonal flavours to drive engagement on a continuous basis.

screens and workflows designed to showcase content

screens and workflows designed to showcase content

Interior decor is a lifestyle activity and DDecor occupies the higher realms of this segment. The experience needed to showcase the product in its full glory while making decision making seem natural and intuitive. The design language chosen was minimal yet bold to not just showcase, but to enhance the product.

home ideas - a platform to connect ddecor to their franchisees

home ideas - a platform to connect ddecor to their franchisees

A unique platform that keeps the company connected to their franchisees and enables them to work in tandem with each other. The platform provides real-time connectivity to the warehouses to check stock, place orders and manage finances. The platform also provides them intelligence on trends and offers and tools and calculators.

creating an interactive and immersive experience

creating an interactive and immersive experience

We designed an immersive multitaction experience on large touch tables to be used in flagship showrooms. We leveraged IoT to enable users to bring up collections, explore the specifications of the fabrics and then visualise their rooms in a larger than life size.



  • responsive web presencefor consumers

    Interior design of homes is something that takes over ones life when they are in the middle of the activity. A high performance app was designed to help users access the DDecor range while on the move.

    Users are able to explore, create shortlists, revisit their choices easily and when on the move.

    responsive web presence<span class='cm-line-break'>for consumers</span>
  • d'assist sales app forretail stores

    An important piece in the DDecor omnichannel story, D'Assist is the answer to every DDecor franchisees prayers. It is packed with features that helps the sales staff sell to its customers like a pro.

    The app has a host of filters and search framework that helps the customer narrow down and identify fabrics to suit their taste. It also solves the very real problem of visualisation, by offering 3D rooms that can be rendered with the fabric and colours of choice in real time to aid in decision making.

    d'assist sales app for<span class='cm-line-break'>retail stores</span>
  • ddecor mobile app forconsumers

    Interior design of homes is something that takes over ones life when they are in the middle of the activity. A high performance app was designed to help users access the DDecor range while on the move.

    Users are able to explore, create shortlists, revisit their choices easily and when on the move.

    ddecor mobile app for<span class='cm-line-break'>consumers</span>
  • immersive family experiences throughmulti-touch table application

    Home design often is a family activity with everyone in the family having their own opinions and tastes. We brought the entire range of fabrics to a large table where a family can gather around and design together.

    The application allows the users to work in their areas of the screen simultaneously and bringing all the work together to compare and finalise. Handy drag and drop interactions make the entire experience not just easy to use, but also fun!

    immersive family experiences through<span class='cm-line-break'>multi-touch table application</span>
  • homeideas order management portalfor distributors

    Offers, promotions, posters and in-store graphics this portal provides a channel of communication from the company to all its franchisees.

    The portal also acts a conduit for managing the finances and provides transparency all around. Fabric calculators are a handy tool to help customers buy fabric and stock availability at warehouses can be checked real time and orders placed and tracked.

    homeideas  order management portal<span class='cm-line-break'>for distributors</span>
  • cups of <span class='cm-line-break'>coffee</span> 0 cups of coffee
  • blinks per <span class='cm-line-break'>hour</span> 0 blinks per hour
  • laptop <span class='cm-line-break'>charges</span> 0 laptop charges
  • social gatherings <span class='cm-line-break'>ignored</span> 0 social gatherings ignored
  • hours of <span class='cm-line-break'>travel</span> 0 hours of travel
  • maruti-suzuki cover image



    maruti-suzuki logo
  • 5nance cover image



    5nance logo
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    niyogin logo
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