We used heat maps to effectively convey a multitude of data and its meaning. These heat maps can be customized by adding a variety of filters.
Decision making from manufacturing floor level to CXOs becomes easier when data presented is visualized in a palatable form. Heat maps are easy to read and users in this context are used to seeing.
The dynamic nature of the decision making requires that the platform be responsive to different needs for data in different combinations.
Customising the views was made possible by locating a setting panels that could be used to change the metrics for heat maps and other representations, very quickly.
The platform works with millions of data points, analyses them and provides actionable insights. We designed mature data modelling system to work with this data.
Data visualisation is an important part of data analytics which allows users to effectively extract insights from millions of inputs. Effective display helps in cutting down cognitive load on the users.
The primary working area of the user has been designed so as to provide him with all the information he needs for a particular contract to be able to make informed decisions. Each metric can be drilled down to get details at a more granular level.
An overall summary helps him keep an eye on the impact of every variation made while working on the quotes. Summaries can be viewed across multiple variables. The maker-checker paradigm is addressed by a simple toggle at the top which realigns information based on the role of the user
The pricing queue dashboard is designed to give the user as much data as possible against each task. The data points can be varied by applying filters. He can choose which columns he wants to see A colour coded summary gives the user an overview of the status on various tasks.
Since working on each quote is a long and tedious process, we gave the user the ability to save work views and move between tasks based on urgencies. Each column also has a sorting feature. All these tools are aimed at making the pricing queue as customisable as possible.