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  • approved limit 80,000,000
  • utilized limit 40,000,000
  • available limit -63,000,000
  • limit expiry date 15 Dec '15
  • adhoc expiry date 15 Jan '15
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2 new messages  
  • Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.

    Click here
  • Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.

    Click here
  • Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.

    Click here
  • Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.

    Click here
  • Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.

    Click here
  • Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.Dear user, your TOD is going to expire on 31-12-2015. Kindly bring down the balances.

    Click here